Get Insight from Me

Personalized Parenting Insights to Create

Noticeable Change in your Children

Look at you! Something brought you here, and I think I know why.

It's because you are proactive, and despite your efforts you have a problem with your child or in your parenting that you cannot shake, YET.

You're here because you WANT your child's behavior to change, and you are ready to address it.

You WANT a happier home, happier kids... heck, YOU'D LIKE TO BE HAPPIER!

And you're willing and SO ready to learn how to create the dynamic you desire.

You need solutions that keep your unique situation and child in mind, and not just another standard parenting article on Google.

Why? Because you desire a peaceful home! You want children who grow up to emotionally stable and mentally fit. And you'd really love to be invited over for the holidays when your children are grown!

Listen, you are a grown woman who does what she wants! You're done holding back. You're taking up space and finding your place! And I'm here for it!

And you want to finally lean in to yourself and and own who you are as an individual and as a mother. Who is- if you don't already know- a completely capable, strong, loving, and guiding light of a parent!

Look, I'm not saying I've dealt with literally every behavior out there,

because kids are always going to "one-up" themselves. IYKYK😉

But I will tell you that there has YET to be a behavior or situation that has bested me.

And as inflated as that may sound... because I know you're thinking "Yeah, right"

and you're envisioning the exact behavior that is driving you up the wall.

The one that has you stumped, embarrassed, or frustrated.

The behavior or attitude that permanently wrinkles your forehead.



It can even become a problem that ceases to exist altogether!

The thing is, I didn't get this way by applying a cookie-cutter approach to my students.

This ability came through years of trial and error, years of fails and successes,

years of special needs students, and years of new challenging behaviors.

What I had to realize first was that there was a CHILD under that behavior.

Are you thinking, "Duh, Amy?"

No, I mean... a FULL human.

A full human capable of experiencing every emotion, even ones I hadn't felt myself.

A full human completely deserving of unconditional love, attention, and worthy of my every effort.

A full human with a DESIRE to love their parents, their teachers, and their world.

A full human with an unbridled passion to please and succeed and be accepted.

And when I learned to SEE and HEAR the children,

I learned that there isn't a child that can't be reached.

And that can look really messy! And it can take A LONG time.

"But Amy, that's just it. I don't have time!"

That's why I'm here.

Because your time is VALUABLE.

Between your career, your family, the day-to-day tasks... you need to make the most of your time.

You don't want to waste those precious moments you do have running yourself in circles

over how to handle your child's behavior.

You want those family moments to feel easy; to connect with your children without the

stress of their behavior or your own triggers getting in the way of your relationship with them.

And boy, is it possible!

 Go ahead and do what you know you're ready for--

which is to invest in yourself and your children! ❤️

Can I Tell You Something?

So many parents assume their child will simply grow out of certain behaviors or that things will just "get better." Like, if we don't look at it too hard then maybe it will go away.

Or maybe you've resigned to "they'll figure it out eventually."

And while it is true that each developmental phase comes with its own set of characteristics, allowing the behaviors or issues to continue unchecked means that it will only get harder as the kids get older and wiser.

The problem rarely goes away on its own. (Trust me, when pizza and naps start to solve problems, I'll be the first to let you know.)


When you seek insight from me, you get a completely customized

response specific to your priorities, needs, and life.

This includes clarity on exactly what I recommend given your situation.

I get to learn what is important to you, what changes you want to see,

what problems you are facing, and I give you a personalized video

to address each of your concerns around your children and parenting. 


You'll even find out what is possible when you work with me,

and I'll tell you which of my solutions would give you the results you deserve.

Think of this as the first step you will take to propel you forward

to the where you want your family to be.

How It Works

1. Click the "Dive Into Insight" button to reserve this opportunity.

2. Within 1 business day, I'll email you an Insight Form.

3. Fill out the Insight Form with all the details. Be as forthcoming as possible to get the most specific insight from me. Don't hold back! Remember, we don't do that anymore. 😎

4. Upon submission of the Insight Form, I will create a personalized response for you and send it back to you within 3 business days.

Talk soon! I can't wait to support you!

Dive Into Insight ($47)
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