Chaos to Connection

"Right Now" Solutions

for Less Chaos and More Connection

You don't have to stop everything to start having better behaviors and better relations with your kids RIGHT NOW.

My mini, podcast-style express courses are perfect for moms in the car,

rocking babies, or waiting for karate class to let out.

✨Parent from a place of PEACE instead of FRUSTRATION

✨Settle conflict with your spouse over how the kids should be disciplined

✨A-HA moments show you exactly what you are missing to "make your parenting work"

✔️Short audio clips make it easy to listen

✔️Bite-sized content so you can get results quickly with each shift

✔️Pop in your ear bud, press play, and let the transformation begin!

Shifting from Perfectionism and Control to Connection and Grace - $10.00

(2-5 min. audio clips)

Maybe you’re butting heads with your spouse on how to discipline, or you’re trying to break free from the way you were raised. You might have grown up with discipline that was all about control, fear, or harshness and you’re starting to wonder if that’s really what your faith leads you to do with your own family.

Or maybe you and your spouse are on opposite ends—one of you is more strict, and the other is way too lenient, and you’re both trying to figure out how to find that middle ground.

If you’ve ever felt confused about what the Bible actually says about raising kids, if you’ve ever felt guilty or ashamed after snapping at your child, or if you’re worried that the way you’re disciplining could push them away from their faith instead of bringing them closer to Jesus—then you are in the right place.

This course will help you shift from the guilt and frustration cycle to a grace-filled, Gospel-centered approach. You’ll come away with real, practical ways to discipline your kids that foster both obedience and a deep, lasting connection with Jesus, all while creating a home full of love and connection.

While this segment is tailored to parents wishing to integrate the Gospel into their home, everyone is welcome to partake and learn ways to create a calm, connected home.

Let’s raise these little ones with grace, without all the shame and fear!

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