Florida Homeschool Annual Evaluations
Hello, fellow homeschool parents! My name is Amy and I started The Empowered Parent business to support parents and children through all their ages and stages.
I know your homeschool journey is as unique as your child. And during annual evaluations, we get to recognize how special your child's educational journey is and the amazing role parents play in providing their child's customized education.
What is required for an annual evaluation?
What to Include in your child's portfolio:
You can find me on the My Scholar Shop under The Empowered Parent to pay for your homeschool evaluation through Step Up For Students.
If you are paying out of pocket, please click the ORANGE button below.
My Experience
How to Homeschool in Florida:
Know the Legal Requirements
If you are ready to homeschool in Florida or are already homeschooling, it is important to know your parent educator responsibilities. For more details, click here to read the statute from the Florida Legislature:
If you have questions or need further clarification, contact your home education office within your local school district.